Pro-D Day on the Harrison River - Oct. 2010

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Try to remember the kind of September When life was slow and oh so mellow ...

If you remember that song, you're probably pushing 50 (or 60) like me. Does anyone remember a slow and mellow September? Wouldn't that be nice! It obviously wasn't a teacher who wrote those lines!

The new school year is here; we're off and running. It's hard going from the lazy days of August (sleeping late, spending hours in the garden or at the beach) to being up at 5:30 and preparing to manage (and teach, if possible!) 30 young, energetic, boisterous, and often funny little people. I'm always a bit surprised at the innocence of most of my Grade 4's (really old Grade 3's) for the first few weeks of school. "Where do I put my name on my paper?" "You mean I have to ask to go to the bathroom!?" But by October, they don't seem so innocent anymore.

I'm trying to get my new LTT field study off the ground, but I've only seen my class for 2 days so far. I have no idea what their computer skills or discussion/collaboration skills are like. Since my field study involves mapping, I thought I'd check to see if any of them knew where the four compass directions are in relation to the school. A few thought the sun came up in the west, so we have a ways to go. But by the end of the day, I think they all had a good idea of North, South, East and West.

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